New River Inlet Jetski data now posted on ftp site

The jetski data from the RIVET I experiment at the New River Inlet is now posted at our ftp site.  If you do not have ftp access, please contact falk for access.  Below are two examples of the Dye and Temperature data from two days superimposed on the New River Inlet bathymetry.

Surface dye (left, ppb) and temperature (right, ◦C) observations from (top) May 6th and (bottom) May 8th at the New River Inlet NC measured by a SIO dye and temperature mapping jetski. On May 6th, dye was continuously released near (x,y)=(−400, −250) m and on May 9th, dye was point released at (x,y)=(−1000,400) m. Note how the jetskis were able to map out the dye plume structure outside of the inlet mouth and the downstream dilution as well as the temperature between the warmed inlet and the ocean.

The listing of the ftp directory looks like:

The *.pdf files are overview figures of the data similar to the figures above.

The data files look like  data_ski_mmdd_[old,new].mat, where [new,old] are the names of our two skis.    mmdd is short for month and day.    Each data file contains the following variables

>> load data_ski_0506_old.mat
>> whos
Name           Size                Bytes  Class     Attributes

D          73885×1                591080  double
T          73885×1                591080  double
Xb          1001×1001            8016008  double
Xrl            7×1                    56  double
Yb          1001×1001            8016008  double
Yrl            7×1                    56  double
Zb          1001×1001            8016008  double
batt       73885×1                591080  double
date           1×8                    16  char
dates          7×8                   112  char
dd             1×1                     8  double
flow1      73885×1                591080  double
flow2      73885×1                591080  double
ino            1×1                     8  double
no             1×3                     6  char
t          73885×1                591080  double
t_r0           7×1                    56  double
t_rf           7×1                    56  double
tau        73885×1                591080  double
u          73885×1                591080  double
v          73885×1                591080  double
x          73885×1                591080  double
y          73885×1                591080  double

The most relevant variables are “D” (ppb),  “T” (deg C), “x” – RIVET coordinate x, “y” RIVET coordinate y,  “t” is time in seconds of the day (EDT).     Please let us know if you have any questions.