NOTE: May 3rd 2013: The .mat files have been updated again. The format is the same as below. Some compass and sensor orientation issues have been fixed. I highly recommend you use these new versions. Download details can be found at:
NOTE: .mat files have been updated as of Wed Dec 19th 10:45am PST. Thanks to Peter Rogowski for finding issues with the time stamps.
The data from our 6 Nortek Aquadop ADCPs have also been posted to the ftp site in the directory called “adcp”. See the link above for the ftp site info. The instruments
are denoted A1 to A6. The data files are called AQ_A1.mat and each holds a struct
that has various arrays of data (at 1 minute sampling) with format:
AQ_A1 =
mon: [30240×1 double]
day: [30240×1 double]
hour: [30240×1 double]
minute: [30240×1 double]
P: [30240×1 double]
TEMP: [30240×1 double]
Ur: [30240×25 double]
Vr: [30240×25 double]
SN: 2141
X: -7.095480269861441e+02
Y: -2.442293840566305e+02
lat: 34.532029999999999
lon: -77.344700000000003
t: [1×30240 double]
Z: [1×25 double]
HEADING: [30240×1 double]
PITCH: [30240×1 double]
ROLL: [30240×1 double]
time_adcp: [30240×1 double]
Amin: [30240×25 double]
The data from the 8 Nortek Vector ADVs has been posted to the ftp site. Please see previous posts on how to access the ftp site. The data is in a directory called “vector”. The instruments are denoted V1 through V8. Note, V5 was corrupted and is not posted. The instrument deployment map can be found in other posts – but a map is included below. The data is provided in MATLAB format. My apologies for posting in a proprietary format but I think everyone can work with it. The individual files are called
VECTOR_V1.mat to VECTOR_V8.mat. If you do a “load VECTOR_V!.mat” in MATLAB you’ll get a single variable struct that looks like (all samples at 1 Hz)
VEC_V1 =
U: [1833960×1 double] % +x velocity in RIVET coord sytem m/s
V: [1833960×1 double] % +y velocity in RIVET coord system m/s
W: [1833960×1 double] % +z velocity m/s
P: [1833960×1 double] %pressure dbar-not corrected for atmospheric P changes
TEMP: [1833960×1 double] % in deg C
AMP: [1833960×1 double]
CORR: [1833960×1 double]
mon: [1833960×1 double] % monday (always 5)
day: [1833960×1 double]
hour: [1833960×1 double]
minute: [1833960×1 double]
second: [1833960×1 double]
SN: 470 % serial # of instrument
vnum: 1 % number of the location (1-8)
time: [1×1833960 double] % time in seconds from start of record
X: -42 % RIVET x coord (m)
Y: -1511 % RIVET y coord (m)
LAT: 34.5207 % LAT & LON
LON: -77.3522
Please let me know if you have any questions. There may of course be bugs in the data set. I will post updates here if I happen to find any. Have fun.

Map of New Rivet Inlet NC bathymetry (from the ASACE FRF) in the RIVET coordinate system with the SIO (Feddersen/Guza) and WHOI (Raubenheimer/Elgar) ADV, ADCP, and wirewalker (WW) instrument locations as noted in the legend. The TopSail side of the inlet is below and the Camp Lejuene side is on top. SIO ADV locations are marked V1-V8. All locations also had a co-located pressure sensor Map of New Rivet Inlet NC bathymetry (from the ASACE FRF) in the RIVET coordinate system and many locations also had a co-located Rhodamine WT dye fluorometer. Dye was released either near x ≈ −600 m and y ≈ −300 m, or about 1.2 km further up the inlet towards the Inter-Coastal Waterway.